Statement of Commitment
Tricon Residential Inc. (“Tricon” or the “Company”) is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for our residents, members of the public, and other third parties with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and Ontario’s accessibility laws.

The Company will provide basic general training for all Ontario employees regarding the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code relating to accessibility and disability. We maintain records of training provided including the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.

Tricon also offers employees with training on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities as appropriate for their roles.

Information and Communications
Tricon endeavours to communicate with people with disabilities in a manner that takes into account their disability.  We will work with the person with disabilities to determine what method of communication works for them.

Information related to this Policy is available upon request and will be provided in an accessible or alternative format as appropriate.

The Company will continue to make its website and web content conform to accepted international standards for online accessibility.

Assistive Devices
We permit the use of personal assistive devices in any areas of Tricon’s premises to which members of the public or other third parties have access, subject to health, safety, and security restrictions.

Service Animals and Support Persons
We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are defined as an animal easily identifiable as related to a person’s disability, and/or for which documentation can be provided from a regulated health professional confirming the animal is required due to a disability. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public or other third parties. The person with the service animal is responsible for its care and control at all times.

In the event a service animal may be excluded from Tricon’s premises by law or due to the health and safety of another person, Tricon will consider all relevant factors and options in determining a solution to meet the needs of that person.

Persons with disabilities accompanied by a support person will be permitted to enter Tricon’s premises that are open to the public or other third parties with their support person. Should persons with disabilities request to discuss confidential tenancy information with onsite property management office accompanied by a support person, Tricon may request written consent to disclose.

Notice of Temporary Disruption
Tricon will, within reason and when reasonable, provide notice of a planned or temporary service disruption to parts of Tricon’s premises or properties that are used by persons of disabilities. Notices will be posted in the affected areas as well as anywhere else deemed appropriate.

Customer Feedback
Tricon welcomes feedback on how we provide accessible customer service. Customer feedback will help us identify barriers and respond to concerns. Methods to provide feedback may be found on our Company website. Tricon will endeavour to provide a timely response.

We notify employees, job applicants, and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring.

Successful applicants are provided with a copy of our Employee Accessibility Policy.

Design of Public Spaces
We do not have spaces open to the public, but as part of our resident common areas.

Changes to Existing Policies
We will modify or remove an existing policy that does not respect and promote the dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

This document is publicly available. Accessible formats are available upon request.

Last Updated: October 2022